Tuesday, December 21, 2004

New job!

Go ME!

Actually, Its my old job.. doing the same work for different people making more money. YAY!

I start when I get back form Virginia.

To say my stress level has decreased dramatically is an understatement.

Now maybe I can pay some of these annoying bills.. hey.. maybe even build that new damn PC!


A autistic genius? a right rotten bastard? Well its tHE MIghtY GeeK. I would like to say that he is without a doubt.. a person!

Today he is a WINNER!

Rumor is he is the love child of Bruce Campbell and Dr. Ruth but no, he is actually a test tube baby from ARK-1021. His loving parents, old scab and rancid burger meat are so pleased.

"We're so pleased." They quipped.

In, 1866, after impregnating millions of rabid chickens with his docile seed, he took up underwater origami, where he became the leading expert in astro-navigation.

After discovering that nuclear fission could be maintained with naval lint and chewing gum, he went on to be the first human to be granted a pardon from the angry mollusks coilition.

The Mighty Geek resides in a shoebox, where he humps extra copies of Harry Potter books.