Some quick notes before we start:
Yes, I am working on other figs besides these as I go (only I take my time with them).. so technically, Im doing more than whats in the doom box. I'll even point out where Im doubling up, so you can see where I'm maximizing my paint time. Take THAT Mr. Ray! ;)
This is NOT the way I normally paint minis. I wanted these done ASAP, that means quick paint and dip. I usually use dip for Rank & File minis, or to help enhance what I consider an OK paintjob.
all that aside,
Well, last night I couldnt sleep. Instead I decided to watch bubbahotep and paint the metal bits on the figs.. (I also painted some of Boomhowler's weapons while I was at it)

I started at 9 AM and started by giving the zombies grey jackets. (i painted boomhowler's boys skin afterwards with the same base color)

I noticed some of the figs base coat didnt cover very well, so I touched up the archviles and trites by drybrushing some "putty" color on it. I gave any critter with teeth and toes a quick swipe of teeth and toe colors. :P

I let the lot dry for a bit, then I went downstairs to dip the first batch.
For those not in the know, the dip is actually tinted polyurethane. Specifically, Minwax Polyshades line, Tudor Color, Satin finish.
Other colors can also be used, but Tudor seems to be the favored. Being a polyurethane, Dip also provides a great 1st sealer coat to protect your minis. Gloss finish will actually protect the minis better and since I plan on giving the lot a quick spray of dullcote, the dip's finish doesnt really matter, so I usually buy what they have in stock.
You will also need some mineral spirits for cleanup and/or thinning the dip.

If you have rubber gloves, great! Otherwise tweezers or other holders might be in your better interest. I'll be using a holder since the can is small and my fingers are big.
So with a garbage bag on the basement bathroom counter (dip is dangerously damaging to most countertops and surfaces), we line up the readied figs and start..
Shake/stir the can, then open and let some of the bubbles dissipate.
Whatever you use, fingers or holder, submerge the fig up to his feet... Like so..

Now I take the fig out and let the excess dip run back into the can.
Normally, when the dripping slows down, I shake the fig inside a garbage can to get rid of any more excess. Im particually lazy today, and actually skip this step. I expect some extra pooling, but since these are quick paints, I dont care. Nyahh.
For a quick comparison, heres what a zombie looks like before & after the dip..

Anyway, I dip all my readied minis..

Here are running pics and commentary of some figs...
This archvile shows the good and bad of dipping.

The Bad: As I didnt follow the normal dip procedure (shaking off excess) you can see were the excess pooling starts to show, here in the neck. You also see the big enemy of dips, the mold line.
Good: plenty of coverage in between the ribs, the shading behind the eyesocket, fingers and palm of the right hand (although a bit too much dip) show great definition.
Here is a pic of dipping beauty.

First off, the dip gets in every nook & cranny on the metal, instantly seperating the bits and making them look like individually tended to parts.
Look how you get a thin line separating the gumline from the flesh, and again (slightly more pronounced) in the teeth. check out the shading up and down the arm. This is why dipping is the savior of miniature painting novices. This picture shows how dip makes a rushed paintjob a good one.
Heres that zombie again..

Look at how the dip shades his pants, gives his face definition and seperates his clothes from his skin..
Again, I didnt follow the standard dip procedure, so I expect some excessive pooling and a few "blobs" here and there, but I expect that in this process, so I dont really care.
Polyurethane requires 6-8 hours to dry, I usually let them dry overnight. but seeing how I was done at 11AM, I took a shower and went off to probate office, the tax office and the bank. Home by 3:30 to do some blending on Boomhowler's skin and some extra drybrushing on their weapons.. :)
Next: I dunno.. but it'll be fun! Watch out for Hellknights!

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